Its AFFECTS on the mind and heart of man Note: This article is rather lengthy (15 minutes), but I urge you to take the time to read the contents in this document. It might just save your life or the life of someone close to you. The aim of this document is NOT to judge or condemn, but to share light on a topic that causes so much confusion and division & can be very DESTRUCTIVE. The aim of this document is to WARN you of the motives behind music and its affects on people in general. Hosea 4:6 "My people are destroyed for the lack of knowledge "... II Corinthians 2:11 "Lest shatan should take advantage of us: for we are not ignorant of his devices" . . . II Corinthians 11:14 " . . . shatan himself masquerades as a messenger of light." Deuteronomy 8:19 Never forget YHWH (our FATHER'S Real Scriptural Name -- SEE index to your Bible) your Elohim (Almighty) or turn to other gods to worship and serve them. If you do, then I warn you today that you will certainly be destroyed. We as witnesses and servants of Father YHWH have the responsibility to warn you of the potential dangers of certain kinds of music. Ezekiel 3:18 If I announce that someone evil is going to die but you do not warn him to change his ways so that he can save his life, he will die, still a sinner, but I will hold you responsible for his death. What type of affect does music have upon people? We will take a close look at music (in particular rock music) from the perspective of truth, as defined by both the Scriptures and the Person of our Savior. We will explore rock's relationship to sex, violence, suicide, drugs, rebellion, and most importantly, the occult. The information that I am about to share has been carefully researched and documented by various people and organizations. All quotes were either taken from the artist’s own writings, rock magazines, biographies or reference books. This is not about the personal slamming of musical artists; it is not an attempt to discredit the musical abilities of these entertainers. It is merely bringing to light the darkness behind the hidden agenda of the music itself. Rock music has become a multi-billion dollar industry. The National Review recently described it as "the most prosperous industry in the world". And the music is found literally everywhere from crowded arenas to TV commercials, from movie sound tracks to television theme songs, from health spas to overhead "muzak" on elevators. The world seems to be marching to its rhythm. The only thing more notable than rock's pervasiveness is the manner in which it helps shape the hearts and minds of the worlds' young people. Nearly every young person today is affected in some way by rock's sound-- from the way they dress to their views on the key issues of life. Studies reveal that the average teenager will listen to and watch 11,000 hours of rock music or view rock videos -- more than twice the time they will spend in classrooms. What is really alarming is that most parents (Believers and non-believers alike) either don't know or don't care about what messages are filling their children's minds, or even their own minds if they are listening to it too. For the complete article, please download the file below by clicking on the button: Below is some websites that you can browse for more on "acceptable" youth music . . .
Please NOTE that I do NOT agree with many of the lyrics in the songs on the website's below. Please READ Psalm 150 for our heavenly Father's blueprint on music instruments used in worship! |
What FLAME has to say on 'God is a beast' in their song on YouTube:
"Beast in urban slang when referred to an athlete, actor, or an artist, normally means the person is amazing in his craft. It also communicates that he's the best at what he/she does and that no one can stop him or her. It's like the ultimate exaltation and praise. Saying that God is a beast was risky but I figured context clues and this generation of listeners would catch it. Of course that's the problem with slang, it always changes." Let Everyone that call upon The Name Of YHWH Yahuwah (Almighty Father's TRUE SCRIPTURAL Name, before it was erroneously changed in our Bible to "Lord" -- read Jeremiah 8:8) Depart From Iniquity and He who Loves Abbah [Father] YHWH Will keep His commandments. (2Tim 2:19; John 14:15-21) LISTEN below how much your Creator and heavenly Father YHWH loves you!